Kids In the Congo

“I love our school for its discipline and the solid formation that it provides us. When I grow up, I want to be a university professor.”


Family name: KASONDOLI

DOB: March 27, 2005


Mother: ZAWADI

Hometown: BENI

Class: 8th grade

His Story:

Since his father was kidnapped, Elie’s mother has been beside herself, overwhelmed by what she has had to do to make ends meet. There has been no news of her husband’s whereabouts since the kidnapping. In order to help the family out, Elie not only performs some of the heavy tasks around the house for his mother, but also finds small jobs around town to help support the family, like going to draw water at wells for local restaurants. Elie writes:
«I love our school for its discipline and the solid formation that it provides us. I wish that the school could have a bus like other schools around, a little store with supplies we need, and a library filled with books we could use. When I grow up, I want to be a university professor. »