Kids In the Congo

“When I grow up, I hope to become a doctor and help the Oblate Sisters of the Assumption with their orphanages.”


DOB: May 19, 2003



Hometwon: MANGINA

Class: 7th grade

When Yves’ parents were kidnapped by marauding rebel soldiers as they worked in their cocoa fields several years ago some 15 miles north of Beni, he was left an orphan. There has been no news regarding his parents. Taken in by a local family, he has relied almost completely on benefactors’ donations to attend Prince of Peace. Yves comments, “I love my school. Teachers speak French and English perfectly well. Many thanks to all the benefactors who have helped to build this school which is a consolation for us and which is preparing us to be peacemakers. But we only have two computers in the school, one for the administrative operations and one for all of us students. Nor does the library have all the books with material that we are studying: geography, history, French, English. When I grow up, I hope to become a doctor and help the Oblate Sisters of the Assumption with their orphanages.”