Kids In the Congo

“May God bless all those who have made this school possible. Whatever the future may hold here at the school in terms of academic offerings, I’ll never leave to go elsewhere.”

Family name: KAVIRA

DOB: April 9, 2003

Father: MAO


Hometown: BENI

Class: 8th grade

Suzane is the second daughter in a family of seven children. She writes, “I am happy at Prince of Peace. We have a really good set-up. We are loved by our teachers and they give us a good education. May God bless all those who have made this school possible. Whatever the future may hold here at the school in terms of academic offerings, I’ll never leave to go elsewhere. When I grow up, I will be a housewife. I will have two children whom I will love as my parents love me. I will give them a good education, just like the one I am receiving here at Prince of Peace.”